The law requires all drivers to have liability insurance. But the truth is that many drivers go without insurance, with about 13 percent of drivers being uninsured. The rate of uninsured drivers goes even higher in bad economic times: in the years immediately following the economic crash of 2008, as many as one in seven American drivers were without insurance.
Getting into an accident is bad. Getting into an accident with an uninsured driver can be even worse. If you’ve been in a Tucson uninsured or underinsured driver accident, you may have to get your own insurance company to pay for the damages the other driver caused. There will probably be no way for you to force the other driver to pay for the accident within the insurance system.
That’s why it’s important to consider your legal options, especially in these kinds of cases. If you’ve been hit by an uninsured or underinsured driver, legal action may be the only way to make the other driver pay for the accident that was their responsibility. Especially when the accident is a result of the other driver’s negligence, you may be eligible for a personal injury claim.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a Tucson uninsured or underinsured driver accident, contact The Khalidi Law Firm. With over 20 years of experience helping Tucson families, we can let you know whether you have a case and guide you along during the process. Contact us today.
Statistics on Uninsured Drivers
According to the Insurance Information Institute (III), 13 percent of American drivers were uninsured in 2015 (the last year with records available). Arizona’s uninsured rate was slightly better, with 12 percent uninsured. This placed Arizona at No. 24 overall, but it still means that almost one in every eight vehicles is being driven by an uninsured driver. Florida had the highest uninsured rate, with 26.7 percent. Maine had the lowest rate, with 4.5 percent.
These numbers mean that uninsured driving is not at all a rare occurrence, even in the states that have it under the best control. If you’ve been involved in a Tucson uninsured or underinsured driver accident, you’re not alone. This is a common problem, and there are ways for the legal system to take care of it. An experienced attorney can help you explore the options available to you in cases like this.
Avoiding Tucson Uninsured or Underinsured Driver Accidents
As with any other type of accident, the best way to prevent a crash with an uninsured driver is to follow the rules of the road. Safe driving practices and good habits are the best and strongest line of defense against any type of accident. Pay attention to your surroundings and keep yourself free from any distractions.
That being said, there’s no way to completely safeguard against crashes. The only way to guarantee that you’ll never get into a crash is never to get into a vehicle in the first place. Unfortunately, uninsured and underinsured drivers don’t have any clear markings to set them apart from law-abiding drivers who make their monthly payments.
Pay attention when you’re on the road. Use your signals. Keep both hands on the wheel. Come to a full stop at stop signs. Good driving isn’t a fool-proof plan, but it is the best way to protect yourself.
What to Do if You’ve Been Hit
If you’ve been hit in an accident with an uninsured driver, the first thing to do is to take care of any injuries that may have occurred in the accident. Next, you should talk to your own insurance company to cover your damages. If you’ve opted for Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist coverage (UIM coverage) you may have additional coverage when you’re involved in an accident with this type of driver.
After a Tucson uninsured or underinsured driver accident, you may also be in a position to sue the other driver for damages. An experienced attorney will be able to tell you if you have a case and guide you through the process.
Contact Experienced Tucson Litigators
Many attorneys offer a free consultation so you can get a no-obligation evaluation of your prospects. It is also important and know if the attorney you speak to is the person you would like to represent you in court. Our attorneys at the Khalidi Law Firm, PLLC are seasoned litigators who will aggressively protect your rights. We also understand the way an accident can change your life in a moment. We care about our clients and want to help them get the compensation they deserve and begin to regain normalcy in their lives.
Contact us today to arrange for your free consultation with an experienced Tucson automobile accident attorney. We handle personal injury and wrongful death accident cases on a contingency-fee basis: you don’t pay unless we win.