City High School Students Learn about the Dangers of Distracted Driving
As some students at downtown Tucson’s City High School pointed out to Thabet during his End Distracted Driving presentation yesterday, texting is not the only cause of distracted driving. Applying make up, eating, drinking, changing the radio, and checking GoogleMaps are other common distractions that can lead to an accident – or even death.
The Khalidi Law Firm thanks the nearly 70 City High School students, their teachers and school administrators for their active participation in the assembly. The student leadership provided valuable feedback which we will use to improve the presentation.
An important lesson of the presentation is that distracted driving is not just a teen problem. Adult drivers are also guilty. We know that a parent’s behavior has a huge influence on their children. While they would never drink and drive, many moms and dads often drive while distracted when their kids are in the car. This PSA reminds us to “Be the Driver You Want Your Teen to Be.”
If you know a school or youth group that would be interested in learning about the dangers of distracted driving and some techniques to stay safe, please contact Victoria at