Sign a Petition to Stop Forced Arbitration
Buried in the fine print of just about everything you sign, buy and sell are forced arbitration agreements. Originally intended to settle disputes between large companies, and to be voluntary, these clauses now deny millions of consumers and employees the right to hold companies publicly accountable in court for their unlawful conduct.
Forced arbitration is not just, transparent or fair.
When something goes wrong, an employee, customer, renter, homeowner, resident or patient cannot seek justice in court. Instead, they are forced into a private system of justice with an arbitrator that was selected by the offending corporation.
Arbitration proceedings are kept secret and the decision cannot be appealed.
Arbitrators tend to favor businesses. Arbitrators that rule in favor of corporations are hired over and over again. Those that rule against businesses find themselves disqualified for future arbitrations. According to a 2007 Public Citizen report, in arbitration, consumers lose 94% of cases against a credit card company. A 2012 Cornell University study found that employees lost 80% of arbitrations with employers.
U.S. Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) and U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) have introduced the Arbitration Fairness Act, which would do away with forced arbitration clauses in contracts that ban class-action in employment, consumer, antitrust or civil rights disputes. To voice your support of this legislation, sign this petition
To read personal stories and learn more about the injustice of forced arbitration please go to